Holistic Biomagnetic Therapy

Leslie Pruitt has been practicing in the Tampa Bay area since 2015. Her passion for holistic living led her to uncover the amazing healing benefits of Biomagnetic Therapy. Read more about Biomagnetic Therapy below or over on the Biomagnetic Therapy section – or to learn more and talk to Leslie contact her here.

What is biomagnetic therapy?

Biomagnetic Therapy (BMT) is a scientific & therapeutic approach to wellness which is compatible with other traditional or alternative treatments. Simply put, this therapy clears unwanted pathogens (viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi) from the body by balancing the pH. A wide range of illnesses and conditions are associated with alterations in the pH level in internal organs due to dysfunction, toxic overload, and the presence of pathogens.

Ready for treatment?

Are you ready to take the first step to holistic healing and recovery? Talk to Leslie today about setting up an appointment for your first magnetic therapy session.

Ready to begin your biomagnetic therapy?

Let’s get started!